
Miller Trailblazer 275


Miller Trailblazer 275 #907506

This product was replaced by the Miller Trailblazer® 325 (Kohler), EFI #907754001, which has been discontinued without replacement. 

Miller Trailblazer 275 #907506

This product was replaced by the Miller Trailblazer® 325 (Kohler), EFI #907754001, which has been discontinued without replacement. 

The Miller Trailblazer 275 from Welders Supply is a perfect welder/generator for maintenance, repair, fabrication, structural steelwork, sheet metal, pipe and construction operations. It’s a 275-amp 100% duty cycle welder as well as a 12,000 watt AC generator. Professionals love it because it is quieter, lighter and extremely fuel-efficient. Trailblazer 275 is designed specifically for professional welding operations. It’s considered to be the most rugged, longest-lasting, sturdiest welder/generator in the industry. Arc performance is unmatched in all weld processes. Generator and welder outputs are superb. The arc performance is the best, most stable and most constant in the industry. It’s suitable for any number of applications, including rental, schools, training and stainless steel. Other applications could include construction, fabrication, farm and ranch. The Trailblazer 275 is extremely well-suited for field maintenance and repair, in-plant maintenance and repair, mechanical contracting as well as pipe fabrication. It does it all…almost anywhere!


The Kohler engine is a twenty-five horsepower twin-cylinder motor with four-cycle overhead valves. You’ll have more than enough power with this industrial air-cooled engine which uses gasoline. Generator power is cleaner, stronger and more efficient. Advanced motor speed technology automatically adjusts engine speed, depending on total power needs. This cutting-edge technology delivers exceptional fuel efficiency, fewer emissions and quieter operation. Run times can be extended. Because the engine is located toward the front, the entire unit is quieter, smaller, lighter and easier to maintain. What’s not to like? The Miller Trailblazer 275 #907506001 from Welders Supply is your perfect companion for professional welders! Covered by a three-year manufacturer’s warranty.



  • Construction
  • Fabrication
  • Farm and Ranch
  • Field Maintenance and Repair
  • In-Plant Maintenance and Repair
  • Mechanical Contracting
  • Pipe Fabrication
  • Rental
  • Schools/Training
  • Stainless Steel Welding
  • Gas Welding
  • Welding Projects


  • MIG (GMAW)
  • Pulsed TIG (GTAW-P) DC
  • Stick (SMAW)
  • Flux Cored (FCAW)
  • Air Plasma Cutting and Gouging (PAC) with Optional Spectrum Models
  • Air Carbon Arc Cutting and Gouging (CAC-A)


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Miller Trailblazer 275
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